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Paleo Meal Plan

Easy to Follow Paleo Diet Meal Plan

Categories : General

Nearly everyone in the world nurses the desire to be fit and strong and lead a long, healthy life. To attain this goal, many health professionals recommend the paleo diet meal plan, which is based on the eating habits of our distant ancestors that lived during the Paleolithic Age.

This diet plan imitates the food culture cavemen had millions of years ago, and which allegedly was responsible for them leading highly energetic, healthy and long lives. Due to advancements in agricultural technology, new varieties of foods have entered our everyday meals which apparently reduce the strength and health of our bodies and are responsible for many ailments. Consequently, in order to stay healthy for a longer period of time, the paleo diet promotes foods that are organic and natural. At the same time, it suggests we avoid products that are derivatives of modern agricultural technology and food preparation methods, including processing, preserving, pickling, drying, and many other processes.

Paleo Meal Plan

Which Foods Are Allowed In the Paleo Diet and Which Are Avoided?

Refined vegetable oils are not allowed in the paleo diet, nor are peanuts and legumes. Instead, the paleo diet recommends nuts and seeds, eggs, and practically any kind of seafood.

Fruit and vegetables, as well as almost any other unprocessed food, are highly recommended. By following the paleo diet meal plan, you seek to extend your life expectancy and claim a constitution as strong as that of the cavemen.

The Paleo Diet Meal Plan:

Below you may find a sample paleo diet meal plan which can be followed regularly to make your body stronger and healthier.

  • Breakfast: Omelet with spinach and mushroom.
  • Morning Snack: Fresh berries.
  • Lunch: Grilled salmon, large mixed-vegetable salad with flaxseed oil dressing.
  • Afternoon Snack: Guacamole, raw carrots, and celery.
  • Dinner: Grilled chicken, steamed broccoli, tomato salad.
  • Evening Snack: Baked walnut cinnamon apples.

There are various advantages and disadvantages of following this paleo diet plan. Here, we provide some of the benefits and problems associated with it:

Benefits of the Paleo Diet Meal Plan:

  • Greater intake of protein content helps to reduce appetite.
  • Increased metabolism.
  • The high-protein content of the diet prevents the loss of lean muscles.
  • Reduced risk of various diseases and heart ailments.
  • More balanced glucose levels in the blood.
  • Increased energy to perform daily tasks.
  • Prevention of calcium loss by providing an alkaline load to the kidneys.
  • Reduced risk of osteoporosis.
  • Prevention of several heart disorders, cancer, and diabetes.

Disadvantages of Following the Paleo Diet Meal Plan:

Despite the many advantages of this plan, it also has its share of downsides.

  • You will have to forego many of your favorite dishes, such as desserts, potatoes, pasta, snacks, and bread.
  • It may be difficult to eat at social occasions when paleo foods aren’t provided.
  • The paleo diet plan is not suitable for vegetarians as lean meat is an important component of the diet.

A last word of advice: due to the absence of dairy products from the paleo diet’s menu, you should carefully examine the diet plan to ensure you are still able to take in the required amount of calcium that you need daily. Researching substitutes is important, as every necessary nutrient should be consumed if the paleo diet is to have a proper effect.

In essence, the paleo diet meal plan helps you to stay strong and fit for a longer period of time. It is also designed to help you achieve your ideal body weight. It might present some complications, in terms of how easy it is to follow, yet after a few weeks of sticking with the diet, you will start noticing changes for the better. And soon you will be leaner, healthier, stronger!